Evaluate Your Office Return Costs!

Calculate the costs of returning to the office. Compare expenses, identify savings, and use insights to negotiate your salary for optimal work-life balance!

Last update Oct 2024
  • Scenario 1: Complete Office Return
  • Scenario 2: Hybrid Work
  • Scenario 3: Fully Remote Work

In the chart, compare the total costs of Fully Remote Work, Hybrid Work, and Complete Office Return. Focus on dollar amounts to quantify the additional costs of each option and identify which arrangement is the most financially beneficial!

# Years from Now
Try your numbers:

Specify the percentage of time you plan to work in the office versus at home. This will help estimate costs based on your hybrid or full-time office attendance.

A =

Enter the total cost you incur each day to commute to the office. This includes fuel, public transport fares, or any other transport-related expenses you may have (such as parking).

B =

Provide the extra cost of meals when working in the office. Consider lunches or snacks you typically buy while on-site that wouldn't be necessary if working from home.

C =

Estimate the amount you save on utilities each day by not being at home. This can include savings on electricity, heating, or other utility costs while working in the office.

D =

Indicate the monetary value of your time spent commuting to the office one way. This can be based on your hourly wage or a personal assessment of how much you value your time.

E =
Confirm Delete

Are you sure you want to delete ": "?

  • Amount
    Any single amount ($).
  • Cash Flow
    Rent, insurance premium, salary, ...
  • Current Asset
    Real estate, commodity, bonds, ...
  • Installment Loan
    Mortgage, car loan, ...
  • Percentage
    Any percentage value (%).
  • Years / Months
    Any time horizon.
  • Age
    Show "Age" instead of "# Years from Now."
  • Retirement Age (requires Age)
    Enable "Investment Return After Retirement."

Time Value Assumptions

Heads Up!

If you're using Cost Basis (cb) for calculating capital gains:

Please be aware that very few countries currently use inflation-indexed cost basis. Double-check your local tax rules before publishing.

Scroll up to view updated chart.

Not what you want?

How is Cash Value calculated?

This scenario assumes you work 20 days in a month. The total cost includes daily commute expenses multiplied by 20, additional meal costs for those days. Utility savings from being away from home are deducted from this calculation.

Decisions / Expectations

(Expressions are evaluated at Year 0 only.)

F̃ =
Follow Inflation
G̃ =
Follow Inflation
H̃ =
Follow Inflation
Ĩ =
Follow Inflation


(Expressions are evaluated at every year.)

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Are you sure you want to delete ": "?

Add Decision or Expectation
  • Buy Asset
    Buy an asset growing at its own rate.
  • Take Installment Loan
    Take a mortgage, loan, etc.
  • Invest
    Receive/Spend a lump sum.
  • Expect to Invest
    Expect to receive/spend a lump sum.
  • Expect Monthly Cash Flow
    Expect to receive/spend cash monthly.
  • Expect Yearly Cash Flow
    Expect to receive/spend cash yearly.
  • Define Variable (Numerical)
    Calculate an intermediate value.
Add Intermediate Calculation
  • Define Variable (Numerical)
    Calculate an intermediate value.
  • Define Variable (Cash Flow)
    Calculate a combined cash flow.